Feb 27, 2012

ON.A.....say what????

whattttttttt?????  totally down and out this morning...really???  i am so frustrated..i have been working out 4 to 6 times a week and eating well...well, a few little slips...but NOTHING that should be back where i started.  the only thing i can think of is that i am gaining muscle, as i am doing weight/strength training too.  the same thing happened last time i went on this big kick of losing!  it took about 10 weeks and i only lost about 14ish pounds...i did gain good definition in my muscles, which i was happy about.  i talked to a friend at work (thank you, erin) and have a few new ideas to try...so we'll see...argh!!!  i do feel like my arms have more definition, so it isn't all a waste :)  well, until next week's big update....goodbye, i'm off to workout! :)

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