Nov 28, 2010

the craft fair

i recently participated in a craft fair at my church.  i was really nervous and had a hard time figuring out just why.  i think it was because i was selling items that i had made and had really put so much of my time and heart into.  i was worried that people wouldn't like the items.  it ended up being so much fun and god really blessed me (all money i made is going toward christmas gifts for the fam).  here is a glimpse of my table.  i know it looks a bit like a hot mess of items, but i assure you, it was organized and cute (oh, that sounded so humble, didn't it).

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I’m wondering now if we can talk about your sites statistics – search volume, etc, I’m trying to sites I can buy adspace through – let me know if we can talk about pricing and whatnot. Cheers mate you’re doing a great job though.