Nov 30, 2010

Christmas Advent cards

it is so exciting to watch my girls get giddy when we talk about Christmas, afterall it is my favorite holiday too. we are working on covering all of the Christmas basics: we have established that we love Jesus more than Santa (Addison said it would hurt Jesus' feelings if we say we love Santa more-too cute).  we have also established that we celebrate Christmas because it is Jesus' birthday.  Well, that pretty much does it, huh?!!  

i found this great idea for an advent calendar.  i am so excited to start doing these fun things as the girls get older.  i will post pictures later of how i did it, but for now, i'll post the link where i got the idea and the print out of the adorable numbers (click here for the link).  
you can get an idea of what i did until i get the pics up.  

each day includes:
-a small treat 
-bible verse(s) telling the story of Christ's birth
-a family activity

i am hoping to start a new family tradition, so hopefully the envelopes don't get too messed up. let me know if you want a copy of the verses and activities.

1 comment :

Elizabeth said...

I made our Advent calendar too! It's different though, no 'treats'. I made mine out of paper and will (b/c I still need to) hang it in the dining room and we have small cards to read with it. We are also lighting Advent's really cool & my kids LOVE it.