Aug 28, 2012

birthday parties

B-I-G turned FIVE and lil boo turned 4....what a fun year it has been!  
B.I.G got he ears pierced...didn't cry a bit!

i had a migraine ALL DAY torture...on B.I.G's 5th bday...

"hi, i'm 4!"

sea world trip for lil boo's 4th birthday

lil boo's ladybug cupcakes for her preschool class

the "camping party" we had for the girls...Welcome to Camp Smith

the nighttime movie screen

knock the can down (home made bean bags and painted cans)

the art tables

the treat "Happy Camper Crunch" consisted of marshmallows, golden grams, and chocolate chips)

the boys' hang out...the fire pit

painting the wood circle necklaces

roasting marshmallow for s'mores

and it's time for the movie!

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