Oct 25, 2011

halloween crafts

as is usually the case come mid-september, when the realization that summer is over, i can't wait to start doing fall crafts with the girls.  i found this one on the cover of some magazine in my teacher's lounge at school (i think it was women's day).  it was so easy, even with a 3 and 4 year old.

  • modge podge
  • glass container (i used recycled jars)
  • paint brush
  • orange tissue paper
  • black construction paper
  1. cut small strips of orange tissue paper
  2. pour small amount of modge podge in container (i added some water to dilute)
  3. brush some modge podge on the jar and start placing the tissue paper
  4. at the end you can cut out a face with the black construction paper
this was quite fun and looks really cute at night when there is a candle inside.  enjoy!

CRAFT #2: 

aside from using a pillow case (which we will reserve until the girls are older and i really need LOTS of candy), this is quite possibly the cheapest (and most fun) way to prepare for trick or treating.  i was at the dollar tree (our favorite store) and found these orange pumpkin containers.  i thought it would be cute to buy them for the girls for halloween to trick or treat.  then...low and behold...right next to them were these glow in the dark halloween stickers...  stickers are the next best thing to sliced bread in my house.  i thought this could entertain the troops while i made dinner one night.  they had a blast and for a change, i didn't care where they put the stickers.  i even wrote their names with a sharpie, to eliminate future fighting...oh, yes!

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