Jun 30, 2011

fake desk drawer deco

i recently saw another cool idea in one of the many blogs i stalk frequent (sorry, i can't remember the blog-i know, i need to better about this).  they were using old drawers for decorations.  since i don't have any spare drawers around my house, i thought i'd make one.  it was quite simple, since my husband leaves spare pieces of wood sitting around our garage.  beware hubs: nothing is safe in our garage when i am on a creative streak. 
and then finally....after all the assembling and waiting time 
(usually i am so impatient, i am surprised i waited long enough)....
you have the finished "drawer-not-a-drawer"...thing!

oh, i also glued an extra crystal knob that broke to resemble a handle...
FYI...hot glue does not really hold very well...i have re-glued it about 5 times...argh!!

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