Jun 6, 2011

birthday celebrations

addison's 4th birthday was may 8th (also mother's day).  we had fun sharing the day.  after church we went to lunch and then drove out to sugar me bakery and bought some delicious cupcakes.  we went home to enjoy them...and enjoy them we did!  soooo good.

addison elizabeth
i'll never forget the day i found out i was pregnant with you.  after two.long.years of waiting, i could barely believe it.  when i felt the first contraction i knew after that day my life would never be the same.  you have made me want to be a better daughter, better mother, better wife, better leader, and better christian.  you bring me and your daddy such amazing joy. i am so blessed to be your mommy and thank god for the privilege to raise you.  i love you!

this is august helping me make birthday pancakes for addison

a week later we had a small family birthday party for both the girls. 

next was august grace's 3rd birthday, may 23rd.  we went to the park, met daddy for lunch, and then off to dinner and cupcakes at bella terra.  august was so excited to have 
her special day.

august grace:
it was such a fantastic surprise for me and your daddy when we found out i was pregnant with you.  since the day you were born you have put a smile on my face (ok, maybe not when you cry).  you are a delight and a joy, with such a sensitive, sweet heart.  we always know how you are feeling.  i could stare at your big, round blue eyes all day long and listen to your sweet voice.  you bring me and your daddy such joy and happiness.  it is a privilige to be your mommy.  i thank god for you everyday.  i love you!

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